Asalaamu Alaykum,
MCQC will continue to be closed through May 1st, in accordance with state and local Public Health recommendations. This means that there will be no in person Tarawih prayers and no Iftars at the Masjid through May 1st.
Ramadan Fasting and Tarawih prayers will most safely be observed with those in your immediately household. Watch your email and our “Muslim Community of the Quad Cities” Facebook Group for updates and announcements as the situation unfolds.
While the Masjid is closed, our expenses still remain. Please watch for Ramadan online fundraising announcements, and, as always, your personal donations to the Masjid are always appreciated and can be left in the donation box MCQC.
Please join the “Muslim Community of the Quad Cities” Facebook Group and “Muslim Community of the Quad Cities” Youtube channel where you can find video Friday Khutbahs by Imam Qasim Siddique, and videos for the children. Remember to “subscribe” and “enable” Notifications on the Youtube Channel.
Please make dua for our sister Amal from Moline who was buried today. She had no family here and so your prayers are much needed. Also, please make dua for the Brother Ferdaus Ahmad, who is in the late stages of cancer. He currently resides in California.
Sunday School is closed for the remainder of the year. Watch your email for announcements of the school’s fall start date, closer to the time.
From all of us at MCQC we pray for your safety and health. This pandemic will pass, but for now, let us give thanks for all the many blessings we have: for our homes, our families and friends, the food and water we have constantly available, and for giving us the blessing of Islam.
May Allah’s Guidance and Mercy be on us all.
MCQC President and Shura