Phone Number: 563-293-1593      Address: 2115 Kimberly Rd, Bettendorf, IA 52722

2022 Explanation of Zakat distribution and MCQC

Asalaamu Alaykum,

Every year MCQC receives money from members for Zakat distribution. It also receives requests from individuals and families asking for Zakat funds. These funds are filtered and distributed by the Zakat committee and the MCQC Treasurer.

Any money that is not distributed (surplus) is set aside for Masjid expansion / emergency use.

We would like to make it clear, that the first and Primary goal is to distribute the money to those eligible, mostly in the Quad Cities.

Zakat money has also been used to help visiting charitable organizations, as well as for assisting with calamities around the world.

Currently we have a surplus in the Zakat fund that could partially assist in building new classrooms for the Sunday school. Any member wishing to direct future Zakat donations in a different manner, may consider a direct donation to charitable NGO’s of their choosing.

Please contact MCQC President or members of Shura if you have question. Emails can be directed to