Asalaamu Alaykum and Eid Mubarak,
Eid al-Fitr Prayer will be at MCQC Masjid on WEDNESDAY April 10, 2024.
Volunteers will be needed on Tuesday April 9th to setup Carpet. Please contact Br. Mohamad.
Volunteers will be needed on Wednesday April 10th for Traffic and Parking.
Volunteers will be needed for Refreshments and Cleanup after Eid ul-Fitr prayer. Please contact Sr. Enis.
8:00 am Takbeerat
8:30 am Prayer followed by Khutba
Refreshments will be provided. Tea, bagels, donuts.
Brothers can drop the ladies by the Gym Entrance and then park in the parking lot.
PLEASE drive carefully and watch for children
5:00 pm Eid Party. Sponsored Pizza and Cake. Kids activities.
7:38 pm Maghrib Azan.