2023 MCQC High School Graduation Recognition

Asalaamu Alaykum, Muslim Families in the Quad Cities Area with Graduating High School Seniors are invited to the “2023 MCQC HS Graduate Recognition Event”. This event will be held on Friday May 26th 2022 starting at 6pm: Timing 6:00-6:45pm Ceremony 6:45-7:00pm Bush planting 7:00pm Potluck Dinner followed by the recognition...

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2023 *Important* Announcement from MCQC Shura

Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem Asalam-u-Alakium On April 27th the MCQC Shura council received notification from Imam Qasim that April 30th would be his last day of employment with MCQC. This marks the end of his 4th year in the community. We are very blessed to have had Imam Qasim...

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2023 Eid Potluck and Party this Friday 4/28

Asalaamu Alaykum, Eid Potluck and Party is this Friday 4/28 at 6:30pm. The gym will have Soccer Darts, Bounce House, Popcorn, Cotton Candy. Teenager Volunteers are needed starting at 6pm ! Great opportunity to earn volunteer hours. Please text or call Sr. Rahma at 708-945-0552. Friday Lesson will be after...

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2023 *Important* Eid al-Fitr Prayer

Asalaamu Alaykum, Eid al-Fitr Prayer will be at MCQC Masjid on FRIDAY 4/21/2023. 8:00 am Takbeerat 8:30 am Prayer followed by Khutba Refreshments will be provided. Tea, bagels, juice and fruits.

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2023 Eid announcement and dates

Asalaamu Alaykum, Here are some important announcements and dates during the final week of Ramadan. 1. Eid Prayer will be this Friday 4/21 at 8:30am at MCQC Masjid 2. Friday evening program is cancelled on Eid Day 3. Instead Eid Potluck party will be held on April 28th 4. Fajr...

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